About Us
Hey there,
My name is Kylie, and I'm the face behind Bedrock Bites.
I'm a mother to one amazing young man, and step mother
to a beautiful young lady. I was lucky enough to meet the
man of my dreams 17 years ago. We have become partners
in life, and business..............Life's good!
Health and fitness has always been a massive part of my life, so it was inevitable that I would one day become a personal trainer and nutritional coach. Working with so many different personalities was a lot of fun, and I learnt so much from others sharing their stories with me.
I found that a lot of women really struggled with their snacks, and also finding healthy snack options for the family. It was fascinating for me to discover, that like myself, many women lived with gut issues and autoimmune diseases, so I found myself giving away homemade treats and snacks to all my clients on a daily basis.......this is how Bedrock Bites came to fruition.
Today, Bedrock Bites has gained so much popularity, that you can find our delicious healthy snacks in selected stores, online and at a few scattered Farmers Markets
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